Getting started with ESA Pro 2NA Academy
01 Apr 2020
Over the next few weeks, Nicolaudie Architectural will provide some educational content. Each event will focus on a specific hardware or software to help our community stay safe at home and make sure we are all ready and trained for when the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
Today we are happy to bring you the first training webinar: Getting Started with ESA Pro 2. This is part of our new educational program , NA Training Academy, and will be the perfect opportunity to learn about ESA Pro 2, our new programming software.
Here you can find the details of the webinar:
Getting Started with ESA Pro 2 (with Bruno Falip)
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
16:00 (Central Europe) - 10:00am (Atlantic)
Duration: 1hr20min
Click here to register for the webinar Getting Started with ESA Pro 2
The webinar is limited to 150 participants: first come first served. We will however video record it so you can visualize the content later.