Emergency Department Dynamic Lighting, USAControlled by Nicolaudie STICK-KE1

28 Jun 2016

Emergency Department Dynamic Lighting, USA

A unique lighting environment for the Emergency Room (ER) has been developed at the NYC Mount Sinai Hospital as part of a multidisciplinary PhD research in Lighting and Healthcare.
The design application goal is to maximize clinicians’ performance and patients’ safety and wellness creating particular lighting protocols (environments) adaptative to the various uses of the ER for the different situations taking place: soft warm calming when the patient is waiting; performance oriented (‘blue-enriched’) during clinical procedures execution; patient@night (no ‘blue’ light, only green & amber for patients admitted at night to not disturb their circadian cycle); overall bright for cleaning, disinfection and room arrangement after patient discharge; dim/Off during unoccupied periods...

The lighting system is based exclusively on LED light sources and uses 54 DMX channels. End user operation is via an android/ iPhone based wireless (Wi-Fi) tablet/ smartphone.

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