is it possible?

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Junior Forumor
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is it possible?

Post by gabrielefx »

do you think it's possible to create with Sunlite 2 this type of sequence?
SuperMaxi Forumor
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Re: is it possible?

Post by simonB »

sequence 1:
curve effect with easytime on the blue channel
random effect made with an easytime curve or color mixing effect on the red/green channels

sequence 2:
symmetrical effect. Try one of the rect matrix effects or color mixing effects. If this doesn't work you could define a custom fixture order grouping each symetrical pixel in pairs, then add 2 contact level blocks one black one blue and add a fade with a phasing delay (takes a while but once done you can make many great effects with the stored fixture order). I see in the video this effect is layered over the random effect. This could be done by creating mutiple switches and using the 'add to current level' property, or in a single scene/switch by using rect layers with transparency or masking.

sequence 3:
play with the rainbow effect with the saved symmetrical fixture order defined for sequence too

So yes, it should be possible to create it. If it is too much work with the effects and fixture order defining, you could always create a video effect in video software and export as a gif of the same resolution as the line of fixtures